Sanem Plastik


Active Job Posts

Open Positions

We are looking for talented and willing teammates who will have a direct impact on our development and can contribute to our success.
You can apply for a job with us by checking our currently available open positions.

You can send an e-mail to


Internship Application

Dear Students, Sanem Plastik also provides internship opportunities for university and high school students with high potential. Only your compulsory internship applications are evaluated, and you can make your internship applications in March. Your applications are examined and eligible candidates are included in the evaluation process. Candidates with positive evaluation results; information is given including the result of the application, the internship date, the department where the internship will be held, the necessary documents and the points that need attention.
Click on the link if you don't want to miss the opportunity to do an internship at Sanem Plastik.

You can send an e-mail to

Internship Application


Our selection process consists of several steps. We evaluate our candidates by considering their academic qualifications, language knowledge, professional experience and skills.

Examination of Curriculum Vitae (CV)
Composing Candidate Pool
Telephone Interview
Determination an Appointment Date
HR and Related Unit Meeting
Job Offer and Preparing Employment Documents